In searching for new ways to go green I thought a trip to the grocery store could prove to be inspirational. The store I shop at now has not only a special green section, but scattered throughout the store are various products which seem to be multiplying by the week. I'm always in a hurry when I go to the store, but this time I had planned my trip with enough time for me to be able to leisurely browse and investigate all my green options.
I started out in produce, weighing out the pros and cons between buying organic tomatoes and peaches versus non-organic. Really the only con was price, but then I thought about the amount of pesticides used on the non, and choose to go with organic. I was deep in thought about how I would justify my larger the usual grocery bill to my husband, when I heard a familiar sing-song shriek from behind.
"Oh my gosh, it's been sooo long since I've seen youooo, how are youooo." I stood there contemplating for a minute if I should pretend that I hadn't heard her, and start walking away slowly at first, then quickly gain momentum until I ditched her several isles away. If I did maybe she would be too embarrassed to follow in pursuit. But then I remembered it was Sally and she would hunt me down until finally cornering me over by the smoked hams. I took a deep breath and turned around, "Oh hi Sally, nice to see you." I lied. She looked at the tomatoes I was holding and the look that came over her face was as if she'd hit the mother load. "I never thought I would see you buying organic."
Now I had a decision to make; was I in the mood to stand there and go toe to toe with her, playing her little game, or was I not? I decided not. I was not going to give into the temptation of playing cat and mouse, so I simply smiled at her and said condescendingly, "Yes, well life is full of surprises isn't it Sally?" She slightly turned her head downward looking disappointed, when all of a sudden a creepy smile slowly spread across her lips as she focused in on my grocery cart. "Yes life is full of surprises. Like right now I'm surprised. I'm surprised that you would think to buy organic tomatoes, only to turn around and buy a roll of paper towel." She sneered. Before I had a chance to defend my alleged crime, she said, "You knooow, one micro fiber cloth replaces 60 rolls of paper towels. 60 rolls," she repeated as if I didn't hear her the first time. "Gee I wonder how many trees that saves from being cut down, and think of the landfills, gosh!" She was having this entire conversation with herself as if I weren't there. I couldn't have gotten one word in, even if I wanted to. Then she said, "Well I would love to stand and chat with you, but I have to get home and set up for Jenny's girl scout meeting. I'm teaching the girls how to make gazpacho today." And before I could respond gesundheit, she whipped her cart around, turning her back to me, and poof she was gone.
I stood there, shook my head in disgust, and said out loud, "I really can't stand you Sally, and I hope your gazpacho is rotten." I suddenly became conscious of the fact that I was standing in the middle of the grocery store, talking out loud to myself, when I caught the eye of a neighbor I hadn't noticed before. She smiled kindly and said, "Amen to that sister." Suddenly I felt rejuvenated with the realization that I was not alone. I continued on with my shopping trip, and left the roll of paper towel in my cart. I didn't need to explain myself to anyone. I knew that I had several micro fiber cloths at home, but that there were times when a paper towel was needed. So stick that in your gazpacho Sally!
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