Figuring out how to up my green game hasn't exactly been as easy as I thought it would be. This morning I thought a good place to start would be to search Google using the term, green web sites. Surely from this search I would find web sites that would offer me something useful. Perhaps if I were lucky enough I would stumble upon a previously undisclosed tid-bit of green info that would escalate my green game. Not so much, here's what I found;
Four of the web sites focus on scientific news articles, and I don't have to tell you I'm no scientist. On to the next few;
Five web sites focused on information surrounding global warming. Although some refer to it as climate change, whilst others call it the end of Arctic chill. Oh there was a riveting piece about where Scottish Parliamentarians stand on the issue and how advanced they are in their thinking.
There are several blogs whose authors offer their savvy opinions on everything from CFL light bulbs versus incandescent ones, to the best method to cool the earth, a.k.a. global warming, climate change, and end of Arctic chill.
I saved the best for last; a wonderful web site all about the wonderfully green things all the top celebrities are doing for the planet. Russell Crowe was first up, complete with a photo of him smoking wearing a bicycle helmet. The piece was all about a tiff between him and the author who made fun of Russell for trying to get in shape while stopping for the occasional smoke break. What this has to do with being green truly escapes me, but then as I mentioned earlier, I'm no scientist. Personally though I say if Russell Crowe can ride a bike, and work out and still smoke, WHO CARES?!
I've come to the conclusion after reviewing various web sites, I guess I'm not as bad off as I thought I was in my green quest. Recycling, making better energy choices, and supporting my local farmers will do for now.